We are besides ourselves since we found out we are hosting a #Disneyside at home celebration. But you know that form our different social media posts.
We are preparing a fun race day for the official party, but couldn’t wait to next weekend to put together a Disney inspired celebration!
We had a Lilo & Stich inspired birthday party.
When we got up, we were a bit worried because it was a bit fresh, but it warmed up and was the perfect day for a Hawaian get together ( minus the pool, still not warm enough for it)
We had plenty around reminding us of the magic Disney offers. We made our memories at home and with those closest to is the day could have been better!
Check out the Hawaiian shirt featuring None other than Mickey himself!!!
Of course the highlight of the day was the fun we had with Lilo & funny Stich.
We tried for the face painting using the guide we got in our kit, but most everyone went for flower power. Every one wants to go to Hawaii I guess LOL.
After such a great day showing our #Disneyside we are gearing up for next weekend’s race day!!
Have you done anything lately to show your #Disneyside?
The post Our #Disneyside this Weekend! appeared first on Cool Moms Cool Tips.